Funeral Celebrant
Credit - Stefano Di Giovanni
Let me collaborate with you on delivering a funeral ceremony, memorial service or graveside committal that will flow, portray the essence of your loved one, and meet your cultural and bereavement needs.
As a relatively new, receptive and compassionate celebrant I pay tribute to the life of your deceased family member in a way that best reflects their legacy, comforts your family, friends and acquaintances in attendance or online, and fulfils your intention of providing a fitting farewell to someone you love. For a religious element, I can suggest prayers, readings and music, plus lead the praying of the Holy Rosary.
I write and prepare life stories in an inspiring, insightful and memorable way, beyond the mere milestones and facts, capturing a reflection for present and future reference. When required I am a very capable researcher of historical events, which give rich context to a personal story.
A funeral ceremony or memorial service is an important rite of passage that allows those grieving to acknowledge how they have been touched by the life of the deceased. I would be honoured to listen to your needs and walk with you in creating an event that contributes to an important treasure of memories, because as a headstone in Ireland reportedly reads - death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Certificate IV in Celebrancy
Member of the Funeral Celebrant Association Australia (FCAA)
“Though my mum’s funeral was restricted to only 10 attendees, Jacqueline’s presentation brought warmth and comfort to the ceremony.”
— Natalie, 2020
I’d like you to know how important a role you played in my ability to get through an incredibly difficult day. Though you are someone I had never met before you were able to make an incredible connection with me, my husband and children right away. Your sincerity shone through.
When it come time to do my eulogy I sensed your presence and energy of being right beside me. You didn’t physically hold my hand, but I truely sensed it and knew in that moment I could do this and continue to draw on your positive aura.
You are doing something for others through your work and it’s a gift. I won’t forget your support from that day, though it was momentary - it’s forever in my heart. Enjoy sharing your gift. I’m a believer special people touch our lives. Very grateful to have met you.
–Diana & family
“With warmth, sincerity and eloquence Jacqueline delivered a very special poem, contributing to a dignified farewell for my beloved aunt, Marlene.”
— John, 2021